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HarryCanyon 10-13-2011 02:31 PM

Anyone read this famous Manga? it's awesome stuff and alot different and more developed than the movie despite i adore it. I read this when i was 14 after being blown by the movie and has been one of my fave mangas since then.

Zentron 10-21-2011 03:29 PM

I have 3 volumes that I got cheap when Borders was closing down last year, tis a great read!

LXL Guy 10-29-2011 01:26 AM

It is a good read if you can get all 6 volumes. Checked it out from the library when I was younger. Don't recall too much but I do know that the manga is definitely better since it's able to convey more of the story. Plus the end was different too I believe.

solidwii 10-29-2011 07:24 AM

They're making an Akira Movie...Akira (2013) - Live Action Motion Picture

HarryCanyon 11-03-2011 09:35 PM

I know and i don't know if it will live up to the 1988 masterpiece.

Dedboy 11-04-2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by solidwii (Post 20018)
They're making an Akira Movie...Akira (2013) - Live Action Motion Picture

It will be very interesting to see how they adapt this into a movie. There was some crazy stuff in the anime, so they have some pretty big shoes to fill!!! :]

LXL Guy 11-12-2011 01:26 AM

It might be disappointing I want to say. Some things are just better left the way it is. We'll see though...a few years after all.

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