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RichardC 01-31-2012 09:15 PM

New Mum-ra old Mum-Ra. some help please?
So I saw in a thread on the cartoon section just not sure where. But someone had posted that the new Mum-Ra was more of a bully and the old one was more like a satanic priest? Where did someone come up with that? I was just curious is all its been a long time since I have seen the original thundercats

RichardC 02-01-2012 02:27 PM


Cat's Pajamas 02-01-2012 03:25 PM

I don't see a big difference between the two characters really...

Oldey-timey Mumm-ra was pretty similar to the current incarnation of him.

RichardC 02-01-2012 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Cat's Pajamas (Post 33423)
I don't see a big difference between the two characters really...

Oldey-timey Mumm-ra was pretty similar to the current incarnation of him.

Thats what I thought but I cant remember what thread I saw it in I just got season one of te original show yesterday and started watching it could tell much of a diffrence

Kregermeister 02-01-2012 06:21 PM

New Mumm-Ra basically makes all these stratigic plans and is in charge of a war. He wants full power of armys and slavery under his wings. Invading other planets for stones, shape shifting to spy, showing up to give orders to the mutants, but mostly failing short. Think Millitary.

Old Mumm-Ra, is very in tune with the ancient spirits of evil. The new one has mentioned them, but no info is present currently. All his victims and slaves are mummfied in the basement of the pyramid. Not captive... dead. While old mumm-ra still made plans for the mutants, he would mostly blow past them and attack constantly to get the eye of thundera. If you rewatch the first season Mumm-Ra is very dark and people refer to him as a "devil priest".

Just a vague description, sure I left stuff out and missed things, but its apples to oranges with Mumm-Ra. I will say Mumm-Ra from vintage season 2 is very laughable though, parents said he was too scary, so something was being done right ;)

Cat's Pajamas 02-01-2012 06:54 PM

I don't feel like we've seen enough of the new Mumm-ra to establish his character all that well. I feel like he's got 10 minutes of screen time in all of season 1. I bet we'll see some darker "spirits of evil" type stuff in upcoming episodes.

RichardC 02-01-2012 08:26 PM

We probably will looking forward to the new season of it ever starts lol

Kregermeister 02-01-2012 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cat's Pajamas (Post 33442)
I don't feel like we've seen enough of the new Mumm-ra to establish his character all that well. I feel like he's got 10 minutes of screen time in all of season 1. I bet we'll see some darker "spirits of evil" type stuff in upcoming episodes.

They are holding back, and I respect that. You dont want to over use your main bad guy to show there are other threats. However with the piss poor voice acting (Larry Kenny can do a better Mumm-Ra, hell if you get me drunk, I can do a better mumm-ra!!) and the gruffy attitude they gave him, its hard to take him too serious despite knowing that he a cold murderer.

The old mumm-ra just had a cold grimy feeling, that he has always been waiting in a pyramid decaying for these moments. The new one just seems like "Yup, im here and im gunna beat your ass." Leave the crappy technology and plans for Skeletor.... Mumm-Ra is twisted!

Pravus Prime 03-04-2012 04:34 AM

Pfft. Let me know when the new series introduces Mumm-Ra. So far I've seen a guy they call Mumm-Ra, but that's in name only so far.

Classic Mumm-Ra is a fantastic character and villain. It's implied that he's responsible for wiping out at least the last civilization on Earth causing the change from Second Earth to Third Earth. He plans, he executes, and he revels in the suffering of others. Also unlike so many characters, he learns from his mistakes. He is ancient and eternal. Technically he could've done nothing and won, as he could merely have outlived the ThunderCats, so all his actions could be attributed to doing it for the LOLs. He is power. Able to go into dreams, raise the dead, shapeshift, and much, much more. He has beaten the ThunderCats without calling upon his Ever Living form. Unlike every '80's cartoon villain, he also accomplished the unthinkable: He killed his nemesis. He murdered Lion-O in an episode (Who was later Deus Ex Machina'd back to life, but still). Also unlike most '80's cartoon villains, Mumm-Ra actually has a winning ratio against Lion-O in straight combat, forcing ensemble action or plot elements to force a tie or withdrawal.

New series Mumm-Ra was a Warlord with a spaceship and couldn't handle a revolt and got trapped in his own spaceship. Or Sunlight. Or bright lights. He seemingly needs wings to fly. He does have a cool car though.

Balgus82 03-04-2012 02:49 PM

New Mumm-Ra wiped out Thundera when he had been trapped for thousands of years and was at his weakest. That's one thing you have to remember about the new one. He's still recovering his strength. And I think it says a lot about someone's strength of will that he didn't go completely insane being trapped in that sarcophagus for thousands of years.

And as for that revolt he would've handled it if Leo hadn't gotten lucky and knocked off one of the stones off his gauntlet.

And throughout it all Old Mumm-Ra wasn't even his own boss. He had to do whatever the ASOE told him to do. Without them he had no power. That doesn't seem to be the case with the New Mumm-Ra (though that could be revealed later on).

Pravus Prime 03-04-2012 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 38330)
And throughout it all Old Mumm-Ra wasn't even his own boss. He had to do whatever the ASOE told him to do. Without them he had no power. That doesn't seem to be the case with the New Mumm-Ra (though that could be revealed later on).

The ASOE wasn't introduced until the final season and even then was a really forced plot element.

Cat's Pajamas 03-04-2012 05:02 PM

Old Mumm-ra's first attack on the Thundercats consisted of him, flying around, howling at Lion-o. New Mumm-ra's first on-screen attack involved murder and mass destruction. I think we can allow the new guy a few more episodes before we decide he's some sort of a lightweight villain.

Ravenxl7 03-04-2012 11:20 PM

While I'm a bit biased in OS Mumm-Ra's favor, I'm still enjoying the new show's take on him. He could still use some more screen-time, but he's definitely interesting as-is. Part of me is glad they didn't make him exactly the same. Most especially voice-wise, as I believe the original Mumm-Ra's voice should stay unique.

Some further explaining of his past would be nice. Especially when it comes to figuring out his motives. Other than ultimate domination, I'm wondering if there's anything more to his motives/plans. Also, some explanation as to how the ancient spirits of evil fit into everything would be nice.

Ultimately I like this new take on him. I do want to see him further developed, but I'm not ready to through him under the bus just yet.

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