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krazycp 08-03-2012 09:09 PM

It's over, right?
I mean, no word as of yet I just can't believe the cartoon and toys will continue on in any way. I have been very hopeful for a long time, but no news by now surely is the nail in the coffin.

Bill923 08-03-2012 09:32 PM

It takes no time or effort to announce a cancellation. Details of upcoming projects are always hidden and kept hush hush. Hearing nothing official is a good thing.

monothingie 08-04-2012 02:11 AM

This thread is about George Clooney's acting career being over, right?

Dr Kain 08-04-2012 10:14 AM

Not really. They just aren't stating such because they don't want Europe to release they have been tricked into buying their milk.

It is fairly obvious it is done. Young Justice was announced to have a second season after its first 9 episodes aired. Season 3 was announced just as Season 2 started airing. Thundercats has had none of that.

Pravus Prime 08-05-2012 02:40 AM

It's over.

CreepySariFan 08-05-2012 04:03 AM

Guys, have some goddamn faith that they're looking for a new company to do the toys before they can push for anything new.

Ravenxl7 08-05-2012 08:37 AM

We don't know for sure, and chances are, Warner Brothers probably doesn't know for sure either. Going under the assumption that it is over, we won't be told till after the show is finished airing in the UK, and the toys have been released for a certain amount of time.

That said, I'm still at least a little optimistic about it's future. Partially because I really want it to continue. I love season one, and really want to see what they had in the works for us for season two. I wouldn't mind a change of toy companies, just as long as that new company would take the brand, and it's fans, seriously. I also wouldn't mind Warner Brothers taking the show to a network that would actually....give a s&#@ about it and how they air it....

THUNDER JEDI 08-05-2012 12:04 PM

At the very least I would hope they would release some kind of conclusion to the series on DVD or a 3-4 part episode, with Lion-o finding the last stone and defeating Mumm Ra or somthing that just wrapps up the story. If they don't do another season I think they owe us an ending of some kind.

Pravus Prime 08-05-2012 04:29 PM

Look, I understand the desire to have hope. I really wanted Transformers Animated to continue, but it didn't. However, this series is over. They don't owe us, they're not going to give us anything more.

The evidence is overwhelming that this series is cancelled.

The toyline is dead, they didn't show or even talk about ThunderCats at any of the big trade shows. The Cartoon wasn't on the fall docket, there's no time slot for the show come fall. The showrunners are working on other series.

The series is dead. That we haven't had an official cancellation is meaningless. Batman Beyond was never officially cancelled; it was put on indefinate hiatus. Furthermore even if it were officially cancelled, there won't be an announcement for some time, to give overseas markets time to catch up on the series and the toyline to sell over there.

I even have a friend from college who was in town and we had lunch together. I won't say where he works, but let's just say he sees the budgets for Cartoon Networks shows. I briefly brought the topic up, and there's no budget and the offices were going to be re-assigned (if they hadn't already at that point) and that there was no ThunderCats anymore. That was well over a month ago.

If you want to hold out hope, do so. However, don't think that there's some massive revival movement going on that we don't know about from CN; they've abandoned the show.

MummRaVulture 08-05-2012 07:57 PM

It's not Over Yet

Originally Posted by krazycp (Post 60040)
I mean, no word as of yet I just can't believe the cartoon and toys will continue on in any way. I have been very hopeful for a long time, but no news by now surely is the nail in the coffin.

Relax DUDE! It will not be over for a while! You just need to chill out;)

Joe Moore 08-06-2012 01:38 PM

I can't imagine there's anything currently in the pipeline. The complete absence of the toys and show from SDCC was not a good sign. Cartoon Network's booth had nothing for Thundercats on display. With Thundercats still airing outside the North American markets, don't expect to hear anything until their runs are over. Or it could be like so many other shows and no one says a thing and it goes off quietly into the night.

Tracer 08-06-2012 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by THUNDER JEDI (Post 60127)
At the very least I would hope they would release some kind of conclusion to the series on DVD or a 3-4 part episode

I think this is the best we can hope for at this point.

stormbringer 08-07-2012 11:46 AM

All evidence at this point practically screams that its over.

moreprimeland 08-21-2012 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 60281)
All evidence at this point practically screams that its over.

Everything, but the tears. :(

thunderbee 08-21-2012 09:43 PM

Walmart caves in...
Was at 2 Walmarts this last weekend, and another today. ALL have removed ALL Thundercats. They were not even in with their clearance items. GONE! this means sold off to secondary stores (Ross, TJ MAXX, Marshalls, Big Lots and UK Overseas etc.). This matches what most Target Stores are slowly doing.

Not on shelves=No longer carrying.

Even if another wave does sneak in (The Tygra 6", Deluxe, Role Play etc) as being available, they will not be ordering them.

So, unless we get a second season AND NEW figures, its over as far as retail support. And EVEN IF more shows and figures were made, its now AT LEAST 1 year until we see them (6 months from approval to sales). Out of sight, out of mind. Short of a Direct to DVD wrap up special (and thats pie in the sky wishing)... Its over.

Sad... But I WISH it didn't end. But, it is REALLY over now unless Bandai is just LOVING how they are screwing with our hearts and heads...And Wallets.

I liked the line... I LOVED the show. Maybe Bif Bang POW will get the LJN MOLDS and release Scale/style of the 80's retro. And Mezco keeps up the Bigees, And Icon Does the minis. In other words: TCATS 2011 is a footnote in toys and TV history.


Covenant 08-22-2012 08:20 AM

Just look at this web site: There's more news about Vintage figures than anything new. Face it, it's been over since Christmas. Time to move on.

baboco2 08-22-2012 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Covenant (Post 61095)
Just look at this web site: There's more news about Vintage figures than anything new. Face it, it's been over since Christmas. Time to move on.

That may be true, but until we get a official announcement from Warner Bros. I'm still holding out hope.
And there are obviously a lot of fans who care about thundercats, that petition almost has 10,000 signatures.
So obviously there's a audience for it out there, and they're still airing in the UK.
So if is sales are good enough maybe they would renew the show.

AlexofThundera 08-22-2012 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by baboco2 (Post 61097)
That may be true, but until we get a official announcement from Warner Bros. I'm still holding out hope.
And there are obviously a lot of fans who care about thundercats, that petition almost has 10,000 signatures.
So obviously there's a audience for it out there, and they're still airing in the UK.
So if is sales are good enough maybe they would renew the show.

The issue is, out of those almost 10,000 signatures how many people are supporting Thundercats just for the sake of supporting anything Thundercats related due to their love of the OS, and how many of those signatures are of people fully supporting the new series (watching and buying figures)? I can tell you no where near 10,000 people were buying the figures or things would not be in the state that they are.

L08e16o 08-22-2012 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 61099)
The issue is, out of those almost 10,000 signatures how many people are supporting Thundercats just for the sake of supporting anything Thundercats related due to their love of the OS, and how many of those signatures are of people fully supporting the new series (watching and buying figures)? I can tell you no where near 10,000 people were buying the figures or things would not be in the state that they are.

This is very true.

Most people signed that to see certain things happen in the second season.

10K signs is not that much. I have seen other forms with a lot more than 10K and we got nothing.

I am not going into detail why I think this series is over, but they had a golden opportunity and failed.

I think it is funny how the OS is still more popular.

monothingie 08-22-2012 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 61099)
The issue is, out of those almost 10,000 signatures how many people are supporting Thundercats just for the sake of supporting anything Thundercats related due to their love of the OS, and how many of those signatures are of people fully supporting the new series (watching and buying figures)? I can tell you no where near 10,000 people were buying the figures or things would not be in the state that they are.

If the series had solid ratings it could have probably gotten a second season. You see plenty of big budget shows on CN that have had their toy lines bomb. (Clone Wars is a good example), but because the ratings were good they survived. Lets face it, the numbers were anemic and erratic, and I think a lot of the blame belongs with CN, but one could argue the entire direction of the NS threw people off too. But that is something people can reasonably debate.

Either way, 10K people while impressive needs to be more like 1M people for anything to happen.

MegatronWolf 08-24-2012 03:46 AM

I highly doubt that this version of thundercats will continue, all we might get is a mini series that ends the story and possibly some comics but the main show and toy line are dead. Hell we'll be lucky if we get even that or ever confirmation that its done. And if you think about it the toyline was pretty much dead from day 1 cause of shotty distribution. And just think of how many shows were taken off the air and never officially canceled or even see on tv again even though they had a good fan base. This wont be the first time or the last time this happens. If the re-runs were still airing and in a good time slot then maybe there would be some hope but its nowhere to be found. Plus most of the cast and writers from what ive heard are already signed on to do other projects. I do hope im wrong about this cause i love the show and the toyline( or at lest what i was able to find of it) but unless theres news in the next month or two then all hope is lost. Look on the bright side though, in the next few months we'll probably be able to find all those hard to find toys in discount stores.

Dr Kain 08-25-2012 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 60110)
Guys, have some goddamn faith that they're looking for a new company to do the toys before they can push for anything new.

Why? So we can just be disappointed when it is indeed announced as cancelled? I would rather believe it is cancelled and be surprised if it were renewed than believe it will continue only to have it cancelled.

In fact, I think I'm going to put all of my figures on ebay. I have no need for an incomplete line.

Jay Bell 08-26-2012 02:01 AM

I believe it's over. What other American toy line depends on overseas sales to then keep going in the US? If it's dead in the USA, it's dead in the whole world. I just hope it won't be as long before Thundercats come back in some other new form. And that Bandai having failed means another company getting a shot at classic figures.

Dr Kain 08-31-2012 11:38 AM

Yes, it's dead Jay.

GK Punk 10-16-2012 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 61274)
Why? So we can just be disappointed when it is indeed announced as cancelled? I would rather believe it is cancelled and be surprised if it were renewed than believe it will continue only to have it cancelled.

In fact, I think I'm going to put all of my figures on ebay. I have no need for an incomplete line.

This. That's exactly how I've felt about it since it seemed apparent that it would get cancelled.

Kanus 10-19-2012 05:52 PM

well, they did apparently come out with a nintendo DS game for thundercats, but yeah, sadly otherwise Thundercats looks very much dead again

GK Punk 10-21-2012 06:08 PM

So this has been going around on tumblr, mostly because of what's been going on with the DC Nation block. Take it for what you will.


So, I spoke to one of the former Producers of “Adventure Time” at the Alternative Press Expo this past weekend (won’t name names). Mainly because I knew he worked at Cartoon Network & I wanted to complain to someone about them cancelling “Thundercats”.
He said that whenever comedic cartoons, such as “Adventure Time” are the most popular (like now), CN pulls the plug on their action shows (and vice versa when action shows are more popular). What they do is pull the show off air for a few months, & then return it to the air without announcing or promoting it. Naturally, the viewers will have dropped off (no one knew it was coming back). CN then uses this rationale to drop the shows completely: “Well, we brought it back, but no one was watching.”
That’s exactly what they did to the new He-Man show back in 2003/2004. That’s exactly what they did to “Thundercats” last year.
And this is exactly what is going on with the DC Nation block right now.
So, if you have ears at Cartoon Network, let them know this sucks, because this could be really bad for the DC Animated shows.

Mako Crab 11-13-2012 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by GK Punk (Post 64417)
So this has been going around on tumblr, mostly because of what's been going on with the DC Nation block. Take it for what you will.

Par for the course. Cartoon Network routinely screws over its viewing audience like this. I have no idea what their rationale is behind intentionally killing good shows, but they suck. They suck hard. I f*ck*ng hate Cartoon Network. And it's not just TCats- they do this to so many shows that I like. They treat their cartoons the way Fox treats their prime time shows.

Ravenxl7 11-13-2012 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by GK Punk (Post 64417)
So this has been going around on tumblr, mostly because of what's been going on with the DC Nation block. Take it for what you will.

Additional fuel to the fire that is my hatred of Cartoon Network. Seriously, that's just an absolutely horrible way to do business. I feel really bad for the people at Warner Brothers who lovingly create these cartoons, just to have Cartoon Network screw them over. Thundercats even had good viewership when it came back from it's forced brake...I really hope the DC nation survives this BS. I can't support Cartoon Network, but I'd like to continue supporting WB. That and I was actually enjoying Green Lantern TAS, and was looking forward to the new Batman toon...:mad:

Mako Crab 11-13-2012 10:07 AM

Cartoon network 2002

Cartoon network 2012

Mako Crab 11-13-2012 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 65736)
Additional fuel to the fire that is my hatred of Cartoon Network. Seriously, that's just an absolutely horrible way to do business. I feel really bad for the people at Warner Brothers who lovingly create these cartoons, just to have Cartoon Network screw them over. Thundercats even had good viewership when it came back from it's forced brake...I really hope the DC nation survives this BS. I can't support Cartoon Network, but I'd like to continue supporting WB. That and I was actually enjoying Green Lantern TAS, and was looking forward to the new Batman toon...:mad:

I just read that the tie-in comic for Young Justice got canceled as of February. Sooo. . . . yeah.

monothingie 11-13-2012 02:58 PM

What was described above is called "Stunting". It is something typically done in the radio business when stations are changing format. In order to clear out the previous audience before the new format takes over, PDs (Program Directors) will make wild changes to the line up in hopes of clearing out the old listeners. In some cases stunting examples include going from an an all rap format to talk radio only for the station to finally flip to AC Top 40. It's also one of the reason why terrestrial radio is in the crapper. Maybe the PD at CN was formerly in the radio industry...

Ravenxl7 11-13-2012 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 65759)

Sad...but true. Even worse, isn't that just a visual representation of what...three shows?


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 65761)
I just read that the tie-in comic for Young Justice got canceled as of February. Sooo. . . . yeah.

Eh...could just be bad news for YJ...I wouldn't take that as bad news for DC Nation...yet anyways. I'm not exactly confident about it, but I can't help but hope that the DC Nation survives...somehow.

Shadowknight1 11-14-2012 02:58 PM

The thing is, Cartoon Network straight out said that they were just delaying DC Nation. My guess is that they wanted to have more than just two shows and little shorts, and Beware the Batman wasn't coming soon enough. Or, a conspiracy theory can arise here. As most of us should know by now, Walt Disney purchased LucasFilm. Now, while they've stated that they'll honor old contracts until they're up, Clone Wars has been renewing their contract with CN with each season. No matter how many seasons come next, this pretty much means that Season 5 will be the last season to air on Cartoon Network before moving over to Disney XD. This means Cartoon Network will be losing their most popular action show come next season. Now, if Cartoon Network had heard of the impending buy-out of LucasFilm, they could've moved DC Nation to try and prep for this. That's my hope, anyways. I haven't seen any of the shows, but I hear good things about DC Nation.

Kanus 12-09-2012 01:20 AM

well, they seem to be throwing Thundercats on the sat night/sun morn Adult swim @1:30am Eastern, so I guess that's a little bit of good, but still say they needed to continue it with more than just one season

Captain C83 12-29-2012 11:01 PM

Well, wouldn't be the first time Adult Swim saved a dying/dead series :/
I've pretty much accepted that the toy line is probably dead but I'll accept that if Adult Swim can squeeze one last season out of this

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