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lioncheeta 06-17-2012 12:18 PM

Lion-o relationship
hello i am a giant fan of thundercats the original and the new version. the reason i call it new and not a remake is there are many things different

now my question is will lion ever find love / a queen

in the first series he loved cheetara but she chose tygra witch in my opinion was stupid and i dont remember him finding anyone else

in the new series he loved cheetara but she chose tygra witch again is stupid and then he found pumyra but she betrays him for mumra..

will lion-o ever find someone as in my opinion he deserves love more than anyone especially since he needs a queen

smilodon1 06-17-2012 01:10 PM

Lion-O doesn't need a queen. That would be the worst mistake of his life. If he gets a queen, no doubt it would be a drama queen. He might want a harem, but it would be a mistake to get a queen.

lioncheeta 06-17-2012 01:46 PM

that may be true but lion needs a love or something i am sorry but that is one thing that has always pissed me off about the series..

lion never got anyone where as tygra got cheetara thats messed up.. it should of been lion-o and cheetara

i though they were gonna do lion-o and pumyra but i was wrong there

smilodon1 06-17-2012 01:55 PM

LOL, this reminds me of an interesting story. In an attempt to be romantic, Adam told Eve, "Eve, I don't know where I'd be without you.." Then, in the next breath he says, "Actually, without you I'd still be in ...Eden!"

Pumyra was a classic nagging drama queen. If they married, she would have been rottenness in his bones.

Balgus82 06-17-2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by smilodon1 (Post 55884)
Lion-O doesn't need a queen. That would be the worst mistake of his life. If he gets a queen, no doubt it would be a drama queen. He might want a harem, but it would be a mistake to get a queen.

Yeah sure. It would be a mistake for a king to have a queen to help him out and have heir to enure the royal line. riiiight.

smilodon1 06-17-2012 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 55890)
Yeah sure. It would be a mistake for a king to have a queen to help him out and have heir to enure the royal line. riiiight.

He doesn't need a queen for that, just a female of his species. The offspring would still be recognized as a legitimate heir, provided it was born of one his concubines. Therefore, he still has no need for a queen (along with this comes royal rights, political power, and responsibilities), just a female from his own kind.

L08e16o 06-17-2012 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by lioncheeta (Post 55878)
hello i am a giant fan of thundercats the original and the new version. the reason i call it new and not a remake is there are many things different

now my question is will lion ever find love / a queen

in the first series he loved cheetara but she chose tygra witch in my opinion was stupid and i dont remember him finding anyone else

in the new series he loved cheetara but she chose tygra witch again is stupid and then he found pumyra but she betrays him for mumra..

will lion-o ever find someone as in my opinion he deserves love more than anyone especially since he needs a queen

Cheetara didn't choose anyone in the OS. The writers did say if they had anohter season approved, they were going to do pairings. They were going to do L/C.

The WS/DC comics, she did end up with tygra.

I agree with you on the NS, but that is a sore spot.

I believe if the same writers are on board for another season (very low chance), I believe it will be pumyra (zombie girl and mummra lover). This is a misdirection, something this crew likes. Trust me I don't want L/P.

Sining 06-18-2012 12:18 AM

Lion-O should definitely NOT choose pumyra. She's overall bad news, and this was BEFORE I found out she was a traitor. Seriously, chick needs a shrink not a boyfriend/lover.

smilodon1 06-18-2012 06:28 PM

All is fair in love and war, and both are the same with humans and cats. Lion-O should really stay out of romance and just have concubines for whenever the need arises. He is a cat, after all.

luigi 06-19-2012 12:35 AM

they need to make a new character to fill the slot

Sining 06-19-2012 01:04 AM

Why? Why must Lion-O be in a relationship in the first place? I'm averse to the idea of making a new female character JUST to be Lion-Os girl.

Somalina 07-25-2012 11:03 PM

From an old school perspective (OS), yes it's time to find someone, In a new school perspective (New Version) a queen would distract just be a distraction!


Originally Posted by lioncheeta (Post 55878)
hello i am a giant fan of thundercats the original and the new version. the reason i call it new and not a remake is there are many things different

now my question is will lion ever find love / a queen

in the first series he loved cheetara but she chose tygra witch in my opinion was stupid and i dont remember him finding anyone else

in the new series he loved cheetara but she chose tygra witch again is stupid and then he found pumyra but she betrays him for mumra..

will lion-o ever find someone as in my opinion he deserves love more than anyone especially since he needs a queen

moreprimeland 07-30-2012 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 55907)
Cheetara didn't choose anyone in the OS. The writers did say if they had another season approved, they were going to do pairings. They were going to do L/C.

The WS/DC comics, she did end up with tygra.

I agree with you on the NS, but that is a sore spot.

I believe if the same writers are on board for another season (very low chance), I believe it will be pumyra (zombie girl and mummra lover). This is a misdirection, something this crew likes. Trust me I don't want L/P.

If IIRC correctly, in the OS, Cheetara was an adult when Lion-O was still a child, so for him to be paired with her, well, seems a little more 'courgar-ish' and not really a good match imho. Tygra was around the same age and a more likely mate.

Never read the comics, but glad to hear she wound up with Tygra.

Pumyra would have been a lousy choice, unless they planned to write her as an evil twin, conjured by MummRa.

Covenant 07-30-2012 09:36 AM

Why should Lion-O get a long term relationship if he never ages? I noticed in the comics that I've seen that he has a full mane implying that he's matured somewhat. If cartoons allowed for aging I think it could work but lately all the cartoons insist on keeping the characters as goofy teenagers so it would be funnier and better for the story if Lion-O simply crushed on every girl he comes across on their adventures.

L08e16o 07-30-2012 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by moreprimeland (Post 59718)
If IIRC correctly, in the OS, Cheetara was an adult when Lion-O was still a child, so for him to be paired with her, well, seems a little more 'courgar-ish' and not really a good match imho. Tygra was around the same age and a more likely mate.

Never read the comics, but glad to hear she wound up with Tygra.

Pumyra would have been a lousy choice, unless they planned to write her as an evil twin, conjured by MummRa.

Disagree. Lion-o is an adult who matured into his body. Besides pumyra and tygra are on third earth while cheetara and lion-o were on thunderia.

Mate?? Lion-o is cheetara's age. He beat tygra in the trials using their minds.

Cougar is an older women (body) with a younger male (body). Total different.

Cheetara was raped in the comics.

You have T/P going on right now in Legend of Korra. Korra (a brash good Pumyra) is the tsundere with the gary stu Mako (Tygra). Mako can already bend lighting.

Only show I know where there are fans who hate the main character and what him to hook up with a supporting character. It would be like a female just appearing in Naruto after 596 chapter and hooking up with him in a couple of chapters.

Sining 07-30-2012 10:26 PM

First of all, Korra's not a tsundere. She's more like deredere. There's pretty much NO tsun with her at all in her dealings with Mako. She's liked him since she saw him and that's pretty much been her attitude going forward in the ENTIRE show. It's kind of refreshing when a girl doesn't give you mixed signals or suddenly change her mind -_-

And Mako? Is not a gary stu. There has been a lot of flaws with him, he's curt and brash but at least he TAKES care of his brother -_- And didn't try to, you know, push him off a bridge or anything.

Big Snarf 08-01-2012 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by moreprimeland (Post 59718)
If IIRC correctly, in the OS, Cheetara was an adult when Lion-O was still a child, so for him to be paired with her, well, seems a little more 'courgar-ish' and not really a good match imho. Tygra was around the same age and a more likely mate.

Never read the comics, but glad to hear she wound up with Tygra.

Pumyra would have been a lousy choice, unless they planned to write her as an evil twin, conjured by MummRa.

In the OS lion-o aged while everyone else virtually didn't so he was a grown up when they made it to third earth. I guess it would be like that movie "big" with tom hanks. Be glad that you never read the comics be very glad. As for pumyra the writing of the relationship between her and lion-o was all over the place much like the way her mind was :confused::confused::confused:

stormbringer 08-01-2012 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 59858)
In the OS lion-o aged while everyone else virtually didn't so he was a grown up when they made it to third earth. I guess it would be like that movie "big" with tom hanks. Be glad that you never read the comics be very glad. As for pumyra the writing of the relationship between her and lion-o was all over the place much like the way her mind was :confused::confused::confused:

I guess at least in Pumyras case, they bothered to give an in story excuse for her bipolar personality. Unlike Cheetara.

Ruination04 08-04-2012 04:03 PM

He should have another lion....

moreprimeland 08-04-2012 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 59743)
Disagree. Lion-o is an adult who matured into his body. Besides pumyra and tygra are on third earth while cheetara and lion-o were on thunderia.

Mate?? Lion-o is cheetara's age. He beat tygra in the trials using their minds.

Cougar is an older women (body) with a younger male (body). Total different.

Cheetara was raped in the comics.

Actually, I don't care for the whole 'mating' in the cartoon series, but it seems most folks get hung up on that, more so in some series than others. Since many of the cartoons are supposed to be targeting KIDS, I'd say let them find out about all the angst of love in real life.

And yeah, I know that the whole Lion-O aged while they traveled in space thing was brought a woman myself, once you've seen a boy, even if he grows up and becomes a man, he's still a boy..a child if you will, to that woman. So the way I see it, Lion-O would be off limits to her.

Frankly, it's a moot point, as far as the OS, Cheetara never was with any of the males and that's fine with me. She was strong and independent, a warrior just like the other TC's, regardless of her gender. Works for me.

As for the Comic...Whoa!! That's terrible that they wrote storyline in the series. They must have gone to some dark places in the comics. Sad, terrible places. I was curious about the comics tbh, but now, knowing that happened, I think I can pass on those.


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 59858)
In the OS lion-o aged while everyone else virtually didn't so he was a grown up when they made it to third earth. I guess it would be like that movie "big" with tom hanks. Be glad that you never read the comics be very glad. As for pumyra the writing of the relationship between her and lion-o was all over the place much like the way her mind was :confused::confused::confused:

Yeah, in the OS, he was very childlike when they first arrived on 3rd Earth, but he did mature in both mind and body as he learned to be the Lord of the Thundercats. :)

IMHO, the whole Pumyra storyline was a bit warped. It made me wonder if they went there simply because they had to quickly wrap up the season, in case we don't ever see S2.

Of course, I keep hoping we do get a S2. *fingers crossed*

L08e16o 08-05-2012 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by moreprimeland (Post 60093)
Actually, I don't care for the whole 'mating' in the cartoon series, but it seems most folks get hung up on that, more so in some series than others. Since many of the cartoons are supposed to be targeting KIDS, I'd say let them find out about all the angst of love in real life.

And yeah, I know that the whole Lion-O aged while they traveled in space thing was brought a woman myself, once you've seen a boy, even if he grows up and becomes a man, he's still a boy..a child if you will, to that woman. So the way I see it, Lion-O would be off limits to her.

Frankly, it's a moot point, as far as the OS, Cheetara never was with any of the males and that's fine with me. She was strong and independent, a warrior just like the other TC's, regardless of her gender. Works for me.

As for the Comic...Whoa!! That's terrible that they wrote storyline in the series. They must have gone to some dark places in the comics. Sad, terrible places. I was curious about the comics tbh, but now, knowing that happened, I think I can pass on those.

Yeah, in the OS, he was very childlike when they first arrived on 3rd Earth, but he did mature in both mind and body as he learned to be the Lord of the Thundercats. :)

IMHO, the whole Pumyra storyline was a bit warped. It made me wonder if they went there simply because they had to quickly wrap up the season, in case we don't ever see S2.

Of course, I keep hoping we do get a S2. *fingers crossed*

It gets worse in the comics. Tygra was raped too, so that is how they got together. They could help one another. Cheetara hated lion-o for being tricked by mummra. He was trapped in the BoO for a long time. She blamed him for everything.

You should see what mummra had Kit and Kat doing. I think the comic was a fanfic from an angery fan.

Well I work in office of women in their 50s and they have no problems with 20 year olds. Lot of cougars out there. The maturity of a college kid is so different from a women who has a kid their age.

This is why you don't do romance in a reboot like that. It was written poorly and it is a mess. The NS cheetara disappeared after she and tygra hooked up. You need to read some of the stuff the cast and crew said about the romance part from the OS. They were going to do a romance with a certain couple if they got another season.

Love the characters from the OS.

CreepySariFan 08-05-2012 06:08 PM

I'm still surprised that no one has really caught on that both Lion-O and Pumyra's initial motivations have been revenge on the ones who have wronged them. They at least have that in common.

Big Snarf 08-05-2012 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 60141)
I'm still surprised that no one has really caught on that both Lion-O and Pumyra's initial motivations have been revenge on the ones who have wronged them. They at least have that in common.

Only no one did pumyra wrong its all in her head.Panthro also wanted revenge on grune for breaking his heart :D:D:D:D:D:D. It would be hard to tell from this point if lion-o and pumyra have anything in common as the extent of her character isn't fully explained

moreprimeland 08-08-2012 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 60119)
It gets worse in the comics. Tygra was raped too, so that is how they got together. They could help one another. Cheetara hated lion-o for being tricked by mummra. He was trapped in the BoO for a long time. She blamed him for everything.

You should see what mummra had Kit and Kat doing. I think the comic was a fanfic from an angery fan.

Well I work in office of women in their 50s and they have no problems with 20 year olds. Lot of cougars out there. The maturity of a college kid is so different from a women who has a kid their age.

This is why you don't do romance in a reboot like that. It was written poorly and it is a mess. The NS cheetara disappeared after she and tygra hooked up. You need to read some of the stuff the cast and crew said about the romance part from the OS. They were going to do a romance with a certain couple if they got another season.

Love the characters from the OS.

OMG!! Yeah, I think I am very glad I never saw or read those comics!! Mumm-Ra in the comics was really twisted, I take it?

Hee, hee...I've worked with tons of women in their 50's and most of them would date a 30ish guy, but not one of them had a lasting relationship. Guess it's just whatever you're looking for. Meow. :D

I'm watching the OS again, almost every night. It truly is a classic.

True, in the NS, when Tygra and Cheetara were declared as a couple, I was okay with it, but it did seem to put her in the background, far too much. I'm a Tygra fan, (duh) but it would've been just fine with me if all the romantic nonsense was left out of the series, at least until they had a couple of season's under their belt...give us some more exciting characters and battles. Defeat Mumm-Ra, then think about their futures, and personal lives.

L08e16o 08-08-2012 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 60143)
Only no one did pumyra wrong its all in her head.Panthro also wanted revenge on grune for breaking his heart :D:D:D:D:D:D. It would be hard to tell from this point if lion-o and pumyra have anything in common as the extent of her character isn't fully explained


Originally Posted by moreprimeland (Post 60327)
OMG!! Yeah, I think I am very glad I never saw or read those comics!! Mumm-Ra in the comics was really twisted, I take it?

Hee, hee...I've worked with tons of women in their 50's and most of them would date a 30ish guy, but not one of them had a lasting relationship. Guess it's just whatever you're looking for. Meow. :D

I'm watching the OS again, almost every night. It truly is a classic.

True, in the NS, when Tygra and Cheetara were declared as a couple, I was okay with it, but it did seem to put her in the background, far too much. I'm a Tygra fan, (duh) but it would've been just fine with me if all the romantic nonsense was left out of the series, at least until they had a couple of season's under their belt...give us some more exciting characters and battles. Defeat Mumm-Ra, then think about their futures, and personal lives.

I thought you were a Bengali fan. :)

I felt like Pumyra was fleshed out more than cheetara. One of the major issues I have with this show.

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