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Burning Bright 06-15-2012 12:13 AM

A call to civility
Soon, the episode discussion thread for episode 26 will go up. The episode may be the season finale or the series finale. Either way, it's going to be a long time before we'll get another chance to discuss anything new as far as the Thundercats show is concerned. In light of that I would like to propose something.

As each new episode discussion thread is put up, anyone reading through them is subjected to a brace of unnecessarily-needed arguments. From ad hominem attacks on people, whether they have posted in the thread or even if they likely have never heard of this forum, to comparisons to something not at all relative to the episode that the thread is for or even relative to the series for that matter.

It would be nice if we could all check that baggage when we click on that thread, regardless of which "camp" we're in (yeah, this sometimes happens even when people don't recognize they're in a camp or even if they genuinely aren't in a camp).

Why don't we all try that for one thread? Also, if someone else does it, just leave it there to disappear like an iguana in Antarctica.

Am I asking people not to disagree or argue over certain opinions or points? Hell no. There wouldn't be a discussion if that wasn't happening to a certain degree. I'm just asking that for one of these discussions, we all get up out of entrenched positions and throw our ideas at each other with fair and open minds. When someone comes in and inevitably kicks it up a notch, we try our best to just let it drop back down. Don't call someone on it if they push things, just make a reasonable discussion.

I know this is something that everyone who has been participating in the discussion threads is capable of doing. They may not have been doing it as of late, but since I've started posting on the boards, I've seen every S/N that now appears in the discussion threads go through at least one entire episode discussion thread and participated in the discussions in this manner.

That's all that I feel needs to be said on the matter (maybe it was even too much, actually I'm almost certain it was), so I leave the rest up to the participants.

Chique 06-15-2012 01:34 AM

Lovely post, and I will try my hardest to remember it when the thread goes up. Like you said, this may be our last opportunity to discuss an episode. Even if we do get another season, 1X26 will be the last talkback we have for a very long time.

Thank you for bringing this to attention. You're asking for no more than common decency, but it seems like we all forget ourselves every now and then. Let's try to remember some of those golden rules this coming weekend!

L08e16o 06-15-2012 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Bright (Post 55345)
Soon, the episode discussion thread for episode 26 will go up. The episode may be the season finale or the series finale. Either way, it's going to be a long time before we'll get another chance to discuss anything new as far as the Thundercats show is concerned. In light of that I would like to propose something.

As each new episode discussion thread is put up, anyone reading through them is subjected to a brace of unnecessarily-needed arguments. From ad hominem attacks on people, whether they have posted in the thread or even if they likely have never heard of this forum, to comparisons to something not at all relative to the episode that the thread is for or even relative to the series for that matter.

It would be nice if we could all check that baggage when we click on that thread, regardless of which "camp" we're in (yeah, this sometimes happens even when people don't recognize they're in a camp or even if they genuinely aren't in a camp).

Why don't we all try that for one thread? Also, if someone else does it, just leave it there to disappear like an iguana in Antarctica.

Am I asking people not to disagree or argue over certain opinions or points? Hell no. There wouldn't be a discussion if that wasn't happening to a certain degree. I'm just asking that for one of these discussions, we all get up out of entrenched positions and throw our ideas at each other with fair and open minds. When someone comes in and inevitably kicks it up a notch, we try our best to just let it drop back down. Don't call someone on it if they push things, just make a reasonable discussion.

I know this is something that everyone who has been participating in the discussion threads is capable of doing. They may not have been doing it as of late, but since I've started posting on the boards, I've seen every S/N that now appears in the discussion threads go through at least one entire episode discussion thread and participated in the discussions in this manner.

That's all that I feel needs to be said on the matter (maybe it was even too much, actually I'm almost certain it was), so I leave the rest up to the participants.

I am sure they will, but this is the problem.

I have seen TCL and where tygra fans have bully other fans. Those fans are gone.

All due respect, I find it funny that tygra fan is asking for this.

People are frustrated.

fuukonomiko 06-15-2012 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 55387)
I am sure they will, but this is the problem.

I have seen TCL and where tygra fans have bully other fans. Those fans are gone.

All due respect, I find it funny that tygra fan is asking for this.

There's a rabid one in ANY camp. Except maybe the Wilys (either that or I've never heard of them).

L08e16o 06-15-2012 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 55395)
There's a rabid one in ANY camp. Except maybe the Wilys (either that or I've never heard of them).

There are more than just one. That is the reason I never opened an account at TCL.

Chique 06-15-2012 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 55387)
I am sure they will, but this is the problem.

I have seen TCL and where tygra fans have bully other fans. Those fans are gone.

All due respect, I find it funny that tygra fan is asking for this.

People are frustrated.

I find it funny that you blame Tygra fans for the nature of the talkback threads, when it was your "camp" that caused the 25 talkback to get locked.

You can be frustrated all you want, but remember the forum rules when you post on the message boards.

Just agh. Way to miss the whole freaking point of the OP.

L08e16o 06-15-2012 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 55431)
I find it funny that you blame Tygra fans for the nature of the talkback threads, when it was your "camp" that caused the 25 talkback to get locked.

You can be frustrated all you want, but remember the forum rules when you post on the message boards.

Just agh. Way to miss the whole freaking point of the OP.


Burning Bright 06-15-2012 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 55387)
I am sure they will, but this is the problem.

I have seen TCL and where tygra fans have bully other fans. Those fans are gone.

Well, we still have those fans here. I am asking those who would bully them, and those fans themselves to set that behavior aside for just one single thread, that's all.


All due respect, I find it funny that tygra fan is asking for this.
I am a Tygra fan for a number of reasons. First is that tigers are my favorite form of feline (note the poem-related S/N). Second is the new look for Tygra. My personal opinion is that it is the best re-design of the core cast members. Finally, his personality. He has one now. Admittedly, he's an unlikeable jerk, but it's something. His new personality is something that, when used correctly, can be used to spur people and events forward (emphasis on spur). Going by TVTropes, the new Tygra is a classic example of "The Lancer". He fills this role is a manner extremely reminiscent of Joe the Condor from Gatchaman.

However, I'm still a fan of all the core characters of the new series. Like most others I am highly dissatisfied with how Cheetara has been diminished for most of the 2nd half of the season.

I'm going to set that aside, along with my opinions on anything outside the "What lies Above" two-parter, for this one upcoming thread. That's all I'm asking.


People are frustrated.
From what I'm reading, "people" is actually everyone, albeit for different reasons. There's no reason for people to not express their frustrations, even in this thread. I would just like it if when people click on that particular discussion thread, they temporarily filter those out in order to discuss that episode.

Other than there, go right ahead, vent your frustrations. It's not like you can actually express them to those who could actually do something about it and they'll take appropriate action.

Does this still seem like an unreasonable request to you?

L08e16o 06-15-2012 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Bright (Post 55450)
Well, we still have those fans here. I am asking those who would bully them, and those fans themselves to set that behavior aside for just one single thread, that's all.

I am a Tygra fan for a number of reasons. First is that tigers are my favorite form of feline (note the poem-related S/N). Second is the new look for Tygra. My personal opinion is that it is the best re-design of the core cast members. Finally, his personality. He has one now. Admittedly, he's an unlikeable jerk, but it's something. His new personality is something that, when used correctly, can be used to spur people and events forward (emphasis on spur). Going by TVTropes, the new Tygra is a classic example of "The Lancer". He fills this role is a manner extremely reminiscent of Joe the Condor from Gatchaman.

However, I'm still a fan of all the core characters of the new series. Like most others I am highly dissatisfied with how Cheetara has been diminished for most of the 2nd half of the season.

I'm going to set that aside, along with my opinions on anything outside the "What lies Above" two-parter, for this one upcoming thread. That's all I'm asking.

From what I'm reading, "people" is actually everyone, albeit for different reasons. There's no reason for people to not express their frustrations, even in this thread. I would just like it if when people click on that particular discussion thread, they temporarily filter those out in order to discuss that episode.

Other than there, go right ahead, vent your frustrations. It's not like you can actually express them to those who could actually do something about it and they'll take appropriate action.

Does this still seem like an unreasonable request to you?

No, but lot of us are kind of bitter how certain tygra fans treated people on the other forums.

stac 06-15-2012 05:33 PM

While I certainly admire your ability to be objective and agree with you on refraining from ad hominem, I feel that the level of objectivity you are asking for is not required. I have certain views on the show which I have developed over the course of its 25 episodes, e.g. Tygra is a jerk, Pumyra appears to be bipolar, Cheetara has been reduced to a cheerleader, and the romance has been dreadful. Asking me to just ignore these things, especially when they are directly related to the episode at hand, would be too much.

I’m not here to critique a piece of sophisticated literature, or review a scientific paper. I’m just here to discuss or argue about a cartoon show with other fans who may or may not share my biases.

Simply put, don’t be so serious.

Cat's Pajamas 06-15-2012 07:04 PM

But we can be nice to each other, can't we? I think "don't be a jerk" is a fair request.

Burning Bright 06-15-2012 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 55465)
Asking me to just ignore these things, especially when they are directly related to the episode at hand, would be too much.

When they're directly related to the episode, you're doing exactly what I'm asking. The problem is that people are bringing in a lot of extra baggage that takes the focus away from the discussion of that particular episode. I'm asking people to check that baggage as best they can for just one time.


I’m just here to discuss or argue about a cartoon show with other fans who may or may not share my biases.
So am I. Many members have other agendas than that when entering into the discussion. I would like to see those put elsewhere for once.

I didn't want to name names when I put this up, so that the message isn't killed for its messenger(s), but I have taken note of what your posts are like in the recent discussion threads. You're among those who sticks fairly closely to discussing or arguing about the episode that the thread is about. I don't think it'll take you much effort at all (if any) to do as I've asked.

And that's it. I've officially killed my neutrality. Any appeal I make in this thread after this post is pretty much rendered impotent.


Simply put, don’t be so serious.
Where's that Joker meme when you need it? :D

Posting is, by itself, putting some seriousness into things. Why put effort into typing out your thoughts when you could just be playing video games or watching yet another stupid Youtube video (I do those too y'know, but they definitely take less effort than posting).


Cheetara has been reduced to a cheerleader
Yeah, that's something I was meaning to get to in the episode 25 discussion thread before it got closed down (as you can see, that didn't happen). People were still going on about it there, but it wasn't happening in that episode. For once in a long time she had just as many lines as any of the other TCs (or close enough), except for Lion-O (seems natural since he's mostly going the diplomat/talker route). Additionally, of the lines she had, only 25% were supportive of Tygra, which doesn't seem out of place since they're supposed to be in a relationship.

stac 06-15-2012 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Bright (Post 55492)
I didn't want to name names when I put this up, so that the message isn't killed for its messenger(s), but I have taken note of what your posts are like in the recent discussion threads. You're among those who sticks fairly closely to discussing or arguing about the episode that the thread is about. I don't think it'll take you much effort at all (if any) to do as I've asked.

That’s good to know. But it appears a bit… ominous that you seem to have conducted surveillance on people’s posting tendencies.


And that's it. I've officially killed my neutrality. Any appeal I make in this thread after this post is pretty much rendered impotent.
Then I have succeeded. :D


Yeah, that's something I was meaning to get to in the episode 25 discussion thread before it got closed down (as you can see, that didn't happen). People were still going on about it there, but it wasn't happening in that episode. For once in a long time she had just as many lines as any of the other TCs (or close enough), except for Lion-O (seems natural since he's mostly going the diplomat/talker route). Additionally, of the lines she had, only 25% were supportive of Tygra, which doesn't seem out of place since they're supposed to be in a relationship.
Firstly, I must congratulate you on going very off topic. See how natural it is? You have done well, my apprentice.

Joking aside, it is true, she did have more to say in this episode than in the last few. But her most striking lines were with/about Tygra. Her response to Tygra challenging Vultaire was disappointing. And then she’s either kissing him or saying something along the lines of “Go, Tygra go!” Enough already, we know they’re a couple. Furthermore, it was annoying that a possible opportunity for Cheetara to regain some of her former "clericness" and undergo any real development was wasted.

Burning Bright 06-15-2012 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 55507)
That’s good to know. But it appears a bit… ominous that you seem to have conducted surveillance on people’s posting tendencies.

It wasn't intended to be ominous, as I haven't actually been conducting surveillance. I just have a pretty good memory. Combine that with the default high number of posts-per-page and a habit of leaving and coming back to the discussions as a necessity of the other activities that I'm attending to and there's a high rate of data retention through subliminal rote memorization.


Firstly, I must congratulate you on going very off topic. See how natural it is? You have done well, my apprentice.
Thank you, my master. :D

Yeah, it wasn't something that I emphasized at all in my first post here, but I was only a making a call for the behavior change for the one thread. This one's just as much fair game for whatever people want to do as any other one, as far as what I want anyway.


Joking aside, it is true, she did have more to say in this episode than in the last few. But her most striking lines were with/about Tygra. Her response to Tygra challenging Vultaire was disappointing. And then she’s either kissing him or saying something along the lines of “Go, Tygra go!” Enough already, we know they’re a couple.
Yeah, it just doesn't seem that out of place to me. I've just been together with friends way too many times when they're in the new couple phase. I'm at the point of barely being able to keep myself from saying "Excuse me, I'm going to go over and kill three people so I can have enough insulin to keep me from going into a diabetic coma." That phase lasts even longer when they're separated by something out-of-the-routine or life-affirming for more than a day.

The only thing that's out of place about it, is that Tygra isn't doing it nearly as much as she does. That can just be chalked up to how full-of-himself Tygra is, though.


Furthermore, it was annoying that a possible opportunity for Cheetara to regain some of her former "clericness" and undergo any real development was wasted.
I think any opportunities for her to regain her "clericness" died at the end of Lion-O's trials. The Clerics advised the King and handled the mystic matters, like the Book and other such mysterious artifacts. At that point he didn't need anymore Cleric advice as he had gotten all he needed from Jaga in the Book and the Spirit Stone. He also seems to have the mystic matters covered pretty well with handling the Book and how quickly he was able to bring out useful capabilities of the Spirit Stone.

As far as other opportunities to undergo character development, the episode seemed pretty packed with event-driven story and background revelations. About the only thing that could realistically have been cut was Snarf's distraction scene, which gives what, 20 extra seconds? She's going to need more than that to bring anything of note to the fore.

gjustis 06-16-2012 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 55465)
... e.g. Tygra is a jerk, Pumyra appears to be bipolar, Cheetara has been reduced to a cheerleader, and the romance has been dreadful.

I could not possibly agree more.

+1, x10,000.

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