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southpawdragon 04-09-2012 09:43 PM

Lolipop Chainsaw
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Lollipop Chainsaw Halloween trailer - YouTube
Rosenbaum is hilarious as the severed head of her boyfriend
Exclusive Lollipop Chainsaw Valentine's Day Trailer - YouTube

Crazy alternate costumes like Ash and Zooey Deshanel???
Lollipop Chainsaw Skins Trailer - YouTube

Bosses of Zombie Rock - Lollipop Chainsaw Trailer - YouTube

Bosses of Zombie Rock - Lollipop Chainsaw Trailer - YouTube
Lollipop Chainsaw Voice Talent Trailer [HD] - YouTube
Funny voice actor trailer[/QUOTE]

Hotlinked images removed. Host your own photos. - Staff

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