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77kustoms 08-27-2011 07:52 AM

6" Mumm Ra wings
I noticed two slots on his back where I assume his wings would attach. What are the odds of his wings being packed with the decayed form? It would be such a shame if this already cool figure didn't get his wings.

I have a few ideas in mind for custom wings, however I would rather see what Bandai has in mind.

Secretcode 08-27-2011 12:09 PM

I'm a bit curious on how one'd actually be able to remove those bits from his back, to be honest.

77kustoms 08-27-2011 01:07 PM

I was able to do 1 side with my fingernail, the other side needed a small screwdriver.

nomad16 08-27-2011 02:04 PM

I saw that and asked about it I'm hoping will the one with the wings or maybe an accessory pack of some kind.

Trukkinmunky 08-27-2011 03:58 PM

I was thinking about adding my own wings on him. I think they scrapped the wings cause he would have too much plastic to be sold at the 6'' price point. But official Bandai wings would be cool to see at some point.

Ravenxl7 08-27-2011 04:00 PM

I could see them adding wings to him later on for a special set of some kind. Part of me wants to wait and see how that would turn out, but another part of me doesn't want to miss-out on Mumm-Ra on the off-chance they don't add wings to the figure in the future. Same goes for Panthro and the running changes I'd love to see made to his figure.

Pravus Prime 08-27-2011 07:06 PM

It's also possible that he doesn't always use the wings, or even loses them at some point.

77kustoms 08-27-2011 10:33 PM

Apparently I can't multiquote on my droid??

Nomad, an accessory pack would be cool, but I don't see myself purchasing a ton of things I don't want to get it. These toys (though good) are on the pricey side if multiple upc's or stickers are needed to claim a pack. I don't see parents buying a ton of these to do it. I know as a kid I would be disappointed when I got a weapon pack as a gift lol!

Trukkinmunky, I agree with everything you said.

Raven, I hear you. I really just want the rest of the 6" cast and mabey 2 Lizzard minions. I don't want to get into multiple character molds just for accessories, I already broke that rule to get Snarf. I have no need for.the tank.

Pravus, Anything is possible... However they designed him for them, so I want them lol! Plus it further sets him apart from the original.

Thinktank 08-28-2011 03:05 AM

I'm workin' on it:

A thought;
If I do find some wings worth recasting, I may put some up for grabs
later. I will keep you folks posted.

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