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Joe Moore 03-30-2012 07:58 AM

Thundercats Upcoming Eps
Thundercats April Episode Titles and Synopsis'

Ravenxl7 03-30-2012 09:51 AM

The Tiger clan should definitely be interesting, as will meeting Pumyra. Would be cool to see her added to the team.

I'm definitely looking forward to the kitten centered episode. I've been looking forward to them eventually getting an episode mostly about them. Hopefully they take this opportunity to tell us more about their past.

SirSapphire 03-30-2012 09:54 AM

I'm kind of hoping "Native Son" is all about Lion-O and Tygra taking some time away from the other cats in order to improve their relationship when they stumble across this discovery. There haven't been too many (constructive) "brotherly" moments in the show and it would be nice to see the two of them just hanging out together.

As for "The Pit" only time will tell if the fan's assumptions for Pumyra prove true. "Forced to fight" doesn't mean "likes to fight" or even "good at fighting." The Cat might come across her when she's in her very first match and rescue her because she'd be killed otherwise. Like I said, time will tell.

vantheman77 03-30-2012 01:20 PM

I can't wait to see what Pumyra looks like in the new series. She has to be added to team.

Plus, we have an episode centered on the twins. I hope that something that hunts the twins is not the chef from Amalak Rising.

As for Lion-O and Tygra discovering a lost Tiger clan village, I wonder if Bengali is going to be in this episode.

CCDustyV 03-30-2012 04:31 PM

........... this ain't funny... preparing the first chapter of a fanfiction to go on Summary: just after "New Alliance" Lion O gets hurt and presumed killed, only to wind up captured and made into a gladiator slave where he meets Pumyra, Bengali and Lynx-O, meanwhile Tygra tries to lead the team in the wake of his brother's 'death'.

Been working on the basis of this fic for a while now, started it during the hiatus. Are they reading my mind, or am I reading theirs...?:eek:

Jlogano20 03-31-2012 02:23 PM


Balgus82 03-31-2012 04:16 PM

Someone on another forum mentioned that the thing hunting the twins in Survival of the Fittest could be Safari Joe. Interesting theory.

SirSapphire 04-01-2012 06:57 PM

"The Pit" sounds like it could be awesome, and now for my own personal theories on this episode (which boarders on fan fiction, but try not to hold that against it).

The cats are once again hungry and out of supplies so they stop in the nearby Dog city to stock up. They come across the gladiator pit mentioned in the title and discover an obscenely outmatched cat refugee forced to fight for their amusement (Pumyra). Lion-O jumps in and attempts to put an end to it but the Dogs claim that they're actually being quite fair (by their standards) because if she can survive the games she'll earn her freedom wheres otherwise she would remain a slave. Lion-O then offers to fight in her place, the other Cats object but Lion-O counters that a just king should be willing to lay down his life for his people and they have an obligation to their fellow Tunderians because there are so few left.
Lion-O then enters the games, each challenger being stronger than the last. Pumyra reveals her medical training and tends to his wounds between matches and is amazed at the amount of hardship he is willing to endure just to earn her freedom. Inevitably she develops a crush on him. In the penultimate match Lion-O is badly beaten and even with Pumyra's expertise it looks like he will not survive the last fight. She will beg him to leave her behind but he insists, saying he could never abandon her. The final battle comes and Lion-O is in no condition to fight and is sorely outmatched. Before he can be killed though his opponent is struck with a heavy rock Pumyra launched, having converted a medical sling to function as a weapon. She continues dancing around her opponent, leaping and pelting him with slingstones until he is finally defeated and she helps Lion-O from the ring. As Lion-O heals up Pumyra is by his side and he asks her where she found the strength to fight. She says that she couldn't abandon him either and if a king is truly just his people should be willing to die for him as well.

And then they ride off into the sunset.

Eclipse 04-01-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42512)
"The Pit" sounds like it could be awesome, and now for my own personal theories on this episode (which boarders on fan fiction, but try not to hold that against it).


And then they ride off into the sunset.

You're too funny! But if you write it, I'm reading it :D

Also, after reading Matt Mercer's comments on facebook page, I've got to say Native Son just looks a heck of a lot more interesting.

Saturdays can't come fast enough this month.

Balgus82 04-01-2012 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 42535)
You're too funny! But if you write it, I'm reading it :D

Also, after reading Matt Mercer's comments on facebook page, I've got to say Native Son just looks a heck of a lot more interesting.

Saturdays can't come fast enough this month.

can you link us? I can't find the comments.

Eclipse 04-01-2012 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 42540)
can you link us? I can't find the comments.

It was, which is probably why you couldn't find it. Sorry.

Look for the Tygra bashing thread, obviously ;) Right now it's the second from the top.

Matthew Mercer guys hurt Tygra's feelings! I hear what you're saying, and I can note that Tygra certainly has his own issues he's still dealing with. He starts rough so that he has somewhere to grow. ;)

Matthew Mercer Its all good! He's written to be a darker, complicated character that is meant to sow discord every now and then. Keep an eye out for "Native Son", though... shines a bit of light on our resident Tiger. :)

Finally, some character development!

SirSapphire 04-02-2012 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 42535)
You're too funny! But if you write it, I'm reading it :D

Also, after reading Matt Mercer's comments on facebook page, I've got to say Native Son just looks a heck of a lot more interesting.

Saturdays can't come fast enough this month.

I'll get right on that.

Nekomen 04-03-2012 04:55 AM

Yay, Pumyra is coming soon!

I can't wait to see her design. I hope her figure will be in wave 3 of the toyline too. She's definitely a must have figure for me!

Native Son is going to focus on Tygra's nobility.
We've been previously told noble families have no tails.
Which would break down to Lion-O for Lion nobility, Tygra for tiger nobility, Panthro for Panther, Cheetara for Cheetah(conveniently, she's an orphan too). Kit and Kat have tails.
Native son will focus on Tygra's lineage which we saw foreshadowed previously and his ancestor released as the flier figure. This probably will cover how and why the Tigers live seperate from the other Thundercats, and what, if any, drama there was between the first Sword of Omens wielder and Tygrus. This probably includes why Tygra was adopted by Claudus. The thundercats king lineage is also supposed to remain as pure Lion bloods, so we may see something about that too that adds to Tygra's disdain at Lion-O being king.

nitewing73 04-03-2012 12:18 PM

Hope that Pumyra will join them on their quest and just be a guest star.

I can't wait to watch all the new episodes but I'm really curious what they are going to show in the Native Son episodes.

PussyCatDoll 04-03-2012 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Nekomen (Post 43028)
Native Son is going to focus on Tygra's nobility.
We've been previously told noble families have no tails.
Which would break down to Lion-O for Lion nobility, Tygra for tiger nobility, Panthro for Panther, Cheetara for Cheetah(conveniently, she's an orphan too). Kit and Kat have tails.
Native son will focus on Tygra's lineage which we saw foreshadowed previously and his ancestor released as the flier figure. This probably will cover how and why the Tigers live seperate from the other Thundercats, and what, if any, drama there was between the first Sword of Omens wielder and Tygrus. This probably includes why Tygra was adopted by Claudus. The thundercats king lineage is also supposed to remain as pure Lion bloods, so we may see something about that too that adds to Tygra's disdain at Lion-O being king.

I have a head cannon idea that Tygra is a lost prince of a fallen kingdom. In my fanfic idea that will probably be scrapped later, there was a sister kingdom to Thundera ruled by a tiger king or "Khan". The dominion's name was Tygralon hence Tygra's namesake. The kingdom was formed long ago when Tygus refuse to follow Leo and the animals so he made his own throne and declared himself a "Khan". Thus Tygra's royal lineage stems back to the first king, Tygus Khan. His mother was a queen who ran away after the kingdom's destruction from an servant's uprising of the animals (dogs, monkeys, reptiles) that foreshadows the fall of Thundera. Five years later, King Claudus meets the five-year old Tygra and his mother who live on their own. Moved by the young cub and that Lion-o was not yet born, King Claudus offer to adopt Tygra as a prince in which was difficult for his mother to give in. She watch how her son admires and looks up to King Claudus as a role model so she agrees and promise her son that they will reunite one sweet day.

Again this is a fan fiction idea. I need to write it all down one day.

SirSapphire 04-04-2012 08:46 PM

Regarding the possibility of a Lion-O/Pumyra ship: It could be interesting to see Lion-O, determined not to make the same mistake he did with Cheetarah, assume that Pumyra's romantic interest in him is something purely platonic. If she's still a healer he would say that she only cares about him the way a doctor cares about a patient.

hollowdheart 04-04-2012 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 43442)
Regarding the possibility of a Lion-O/Pumyra ship: It could be interesting to see Lion-O, determined not to make the same mistake he did with Cheetarah, assume that Pumyra's romantic interest in him is something purely platonic. If she's still a healer he would say that she only cares about him the way a doctor cares about a patient.

Yeah, and i can see if he thinks she's not interested when she is, given what happened with Cheetara. He might be afraid he's seeing something that's not there with her.

Eclipse 04-04-2012 11:08 PM

Looks like they decided to make it even more challenging for Lion-O: he's failed one test and has a time frame to defeat Mumm-Ra. They'll all learn not to take the mummy lightly, for such a scrawny thing his mean red lightning sure packs a punch.

How long till Saturday?

Ravenxl7 04-04-2012 11:10 PM

I had the feeling they would save Tygra's trial for last. Should definitely be interesting to see what he has to do in Panthro's. Also, the lizards in the cloaks give me the vibe that they're sort of Mumm-Ra's "clerics", or something to that affect. I look forward to this episode, and all other future episodes. It feels good to have a reason to get up early on Saturday mornings again.

SirSapphire 04-04-2012 11:12 PM

And there we have it. When it comes right down to it Tygra's plan is "act like Lion-O."

hollowdheart 04-04-2012 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 43466)
And there we have it. When it comes right down to it Tygra's plan is "act like Lion-O."

How does he plan to do that when he criticizes him all the time for acting like he does? :confused:

Eclipse 04-04-2012 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 43442)
Regarding the possibility of a Lion-O/Pumyra ship: It could be interesting to see Lion-O, determined not to make the same mistake he did with Cheetarah, assume that Pumyra's romantic interest in him is something purely platonic. If she's still a healer he would say that she only cares about him the way a doctor cares about a patient.

His lack of enthusiasm would eventually convince her he's just not interested. She hints, he doesn't get the hint, most certainly doesn't hint back... and the vicious circle goes round and round.

Or one of them eventually takes a leap of faith.

Chique 04-04-2012 11:33 PM

Yeap, he just drops down on top of them. At least he acknowledges that it's not that good of a plan. Maybe Tygra is letting his need to avenge Lion-O get the best of him.:D

hollowdheart 04-04-2012 11:35 PM

I guess they stopped by the Tank to get their weapons, since they didn't have all of them last time.

AdamofEternia 04-05-2012 12:09 AM

wow... i really like how liono actually fails a trial. it is a twist i honestly did not see coming and a good move for the writers. this will really spice things up a bit in a good way. so now he is granted another chance but til sunrise to save his friends and defeat mum-ra. i must say i thought the trials were gonna be predictable but i guess i thought wrong.

RazorclawX 04-05-2012 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 43476)
wow... i really like how liono actually fails a trial. it is a twist i honestly did not see coming and a good move for the writers. this will really spice things up a bit in a good way. so now he is granted another chance but til sunrise to save his friends and defeat mum-ra. i must say i thought the trials were gonna be predictable but i guess i thought wrong.

I think it's only fitting because it means his final trial is actually against Mumm-ra.

Joe Moore 04-05-2012 06:19 AM

Just a reminder, we get the same clips and images posted on other sites. Please do not link to other sites' postings of them. We will get them up as soon as possible. In this case, I was in bed when they sent out the email.

Thanks for understanding. You can view this weeks clips and images Here and please continue the discussion of the clips in the Ongoing Thread.

Eclipse 04-05-2012 08:23 AM

Oops. Sorry! :)

L08e16o 04-05-2012 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 43476)
wow... i really like how liono actually fails a trial. it is a twist i honestly did not see coming and a good move for the writers. this will really spice things up a bit in a good way. so now he is granted another chance but til sunrise to save his friends and defeat mum-ra. i must say i thought the trials were gonna be predictable but i guess i thought wrong.

I am not surprised. Again, they said they will make everything tough for lion-o. This is keeping with their goal.

vantheman77 04-06-2012 12:45 AM

The next time Lion-O and Tygra for real, I can see Tygra using his invisibility instead of being physical. These upcoming episodes are going to be something to look forward to. I expect the Thundercats to expand their ranks little by little.

Sideswipe80 04-06-2012 08:58 PM

I can't wait to see Pumyra!!!

SirSapphire 04-06-2012 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sideswipe80 (Post 43935)
I can't wait to see Pumyra!!!

There's actually a club for that. We have cookies.

Sideswipe80 04-06-2012 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 43937)
There's actually a club for that. We have cookies.

LOL I don't mean that way lol.

SirSapphire 04-06-2012 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by sideswipe80 (Post 43942)
lol i don't mean that way lol.

Cooooome to the dork side!

vantheman77 04-07-2012 04:38 PM

I have this feeling that Native Son might show how Tygra was adopted by King Claudus. I wonder if this lost Tiger village was founded by Tygra's ancestor, Tygus.

CreepySariFan 04-07-2012 05:10 PM

Wasn't there some fan speculation that Bengali was going to appear in the Native Son episode?

adssse 04-07-2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 44123)
Wasn't there some fan speculation that Bengali was going to appear in the Native Son episode?

Yes, but I dont think it was ever anything beyond speculation.

L08e16o 04-08-2012 08:27 AM

I hope tygra is the true king of the tiger clan and has to deal with Bengali for the crown.

SirSapphire 04-08-2012 06:31 PM

I'm just a little disappointed that we're three episodes away from Pumyra and we have nothing in the way of concept art or even casting news. We got little tidbits when other characters were confirmed, Like Monkian/Addicus and Jackalman/Kaynar.

I mean, My Little Pony delivers, come on!

CreepySariFan 04-08-2012 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by adssse (Post 44161)
Yes, but I dont think it was ever anything beyond speculation.

There was that interview before the series even premiered that Bengali, Pumyra, and Lynx-O were to all appear eventually. Dan Norton and Larry Kenney were part of the interview.

adssse 04-08-2012 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 44336)
There was that interview before the series even premiered that Bengali, Pumyra, and Lynx-O were to all appear eventually. Dan Norton and Larry Kenney were part of the interview.

Ya, I agree with that. I just meant that I dont think there was anything official with that episode as there has been with Pumyra and The Pit.

moreprimeland 04-08-2012 07:43 PM

Really liking the sound of the Tiger one (Tygra finds his homeland and people?) and Panthro as a Gladiator. Hoping both of those eps will be as good as they sound.

Ravenxl7 04-08-2012 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by moreprimeland (Post 44349)
...and Panthro as a Gladiator...

Pumyra is the gladiator, not Panthro...

SirSapphire 04-09-2012 07:44 AM

I'm hoping "Native Son" is a sort of bottle episode like "The Duelist and the Drifter," Just Lion-O and Tygra attempting to repair certain aspects of their relationship when they stumble across this discovery.

Maybe it'll be sort of like the story of Loki in Thor, the Lions and Tigers were at war and Claudus adopted an orphaned tiger cub in the aftermath, except with less evil and psychosis.

VAwitch 04-11-2012 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Nekomen (Post 43028)
Yay, Pumyra is coming soon!

I can't wait to see her design. I hope her figure will be in wave 3 of the toyline too. She's definitely a must have figure for me!

Native Son is going to focus on Tygra's nobility.
We've been previously told noble families have no tails.
Which would break down to Lion-O for Lion nobility, Tygra for tiger nobility, Panthro for Panther, Cheetara for Cheetah(conveniently, she's an orphan too). Kit and Kat have tails.
Native son will focus on Tygra's lineage which we saw foreshadowed previously and his ancestor released as the flier figure. This probably will cover how and why the Tigers live seperate from the other Thundercats, and what, if any, drama there was between the first Sword of Omens wielder and Tygrus. This probably includes why Tygra was adopted by Claudus. The thundercats king lineage is also supposed to remain as pure Lion bloods, so we may see something about that too that adds to Tygra's disdain at Lion-O being king.

Recheck the early episode where they flash-back to Grune & Panthro's rise: Panthro starts out WITH a tail. Which is gone by the time they're co-promoted to General.

So either it was an animation error (I find one that major hard to believe was missed), or he lost it at some point. Maybe same timeframe Grune lost a sabertooth?

VAwitch 04-11-2012 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by sirsapphire (Post 44500)
i'm hoping "native son" is a sort of bottle episode like "the duelist and the drifter," just lion-o and tygra attempting to repair certain aspects of their relationship when they stumble across this discovery.

Maybe it'll be sort of like the story of loki in thor, the lions and tigers were at war and claudus adopted an orphaned tiger cub in the aftermath, except with less evil and psychosis.

:D lol

This made me giggle.

Balgus82 04-28-2012 02:55 PM

Got some synopsis for the next few. Not 100% they're accurate as I didn't see it from an official source, but I am about 90% sure cause they seem legit.

“Curse of Ratilla” – The Thundercats infiltrate a mine shaft filled with fellow cats who are being forced to search for the Sword of Plundarr by the evil Ratar-O!

“Birth of the Blades” – Mumm-Ra seeks to reclaim the sword of Plun-Darr.

“The Forever Bag” – WilyKit, WilyKat, and Snarf track down a thief in Dog City.

“Recipe for Disaster” – The Cats discover a magic elixir that can stop Mumm-Ra, but will they be able to gather enough of it in time to defeat him?

L08e16o 04-28-2012 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 47989)
Got some synopsis for the next few. Not 100% they're accurate as I didn't see it from an official source, but I am about 90% sure cause they seem legit.

“Curse of Ratilla” – The Thundercats infiltrate a mine shaft filled with fellow cats who are being forced to search for the Sword of Plundarr by the evil Ratar-O!

“Birth of the Blades” – Mumm-Ra seeks to reclaim the sword of Plun-Darr.

“The Forever Bag” – WilyKit, WilyKat, and Snarf track down a thief in Dog City.

“Recipe for Disaster” – The Cats discover a magic elixir that can stop Mumm-Ra, but will they be able to gather enough of it in time to defeat him?


It looks like we might get something like legacy's ending. This explains why we haven't seen his sword.

It seems the way the show is going, they were planning for 52 episodes.

SirSapphire 04-28-2012 05:01 PM

Here we go again, now that you've got your Tygra and WilyKittens episodes it's time to get back to the story. "The Pit" reminds me a lot of "Journey to the Tower of Omens" as it doesn't really end so much as it does stop. Not quite a cliffhanger, but enough to make you want to come back next week.

CreepySariFan 04-28-2012 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 47989)
“Recipe for Disaster” – The Cats discover a magic elixir that can stop Mumm-Ra, but will they be able to gather enough of it in time to defeat him?

This one sounds EXACTLY like an OS-plot.

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