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king kahn 08-20-2011 02:16 PM


Can someone explain these to me? some of the cats have them and some do not.

At first I thought maybe they only have them as kids/kittens and they loose them after awhile but then we saw a flashback in episode 5 of lion-o/tygra fighting and neither had tails and were roughly the same age as wiley kit and kat.

HOWEVER, Panthro had a tail in the flashback when he met grune and was obviously older than lion-o is now and later in the flashback he no longer had a tail.

Sorry, but this is just bugging me and I really hope they have some sort of explanation for this.

SPLIT LIP 08-20-2011 02:54 PM

Maybe as you move up the ranks into the more dangerous areas of combat they remove their tails?

For example, Panthro had a tail when he was just grunt muscle, but as he became more distinguished and fought in more battles it was gone.

That could also explain why Lion-O and Tygra had them removed. As the future king and brother of the king they would probably have their tails removed early.

Ravenxl7 08-20-2011 04:42 PM

From what I've read it's part of their class system, and I would be surprised if Panthro getting his removed wasn't something to do with his rising through the ranks. The fact they are born with tales makes their species a bit more interesting, imo.

GK Punk 08-20-2011 07:15 PM

I kind of wondered if Panthro losing his was a battle scar.

squawkbot 08-20-2011 07:50 PM

maybe its wrapped around their waist like saiyans.

cant really see it b/c its under the armor/belt/what-have-u

...except for Cheetah, clerics have their tails ceremonially removed...hotness

IXRolloutIX 08-21-2011 04:11 AM

I'm in favor of the ranking system. Or maybe it's just a luxury to have your tail removed? Being royaly, Lion-o and Tygra had their tails removed at a young age. Once Panthro had risen in the ranks, he had his removed aswell. The Wilys still have their tails because they're uninportant street urchin theives... It all makes sense to me.

king kahn 08-21-2011 09:17 AM

a class system makes sense, but what is to stop someone from just removing their tail?

GrimlocksPS 08-21-2011 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by king kahn (Post 11901)
a class system makes sense, but what is to stop someone from just removing their tail?

I am sure like most class systems there is some kind of lineage tree or something tracing histories and whatnot.

Balgus82 08-21-2011 05:05 PM

"While we’re here let me explain the tails a bit. Again, I thought it would be cool to introduce social class stigmas amonst the thunderan people. Having been born with a tail in some opinion would be considered less evolved. A birth defect if you will. But as a design element, like a cape, the tail can give a sense of direction on a stagnant pose or give a sense of direction or movement to the arc line of the pose. In real life, cats tails can tell us more about the emotion of the animal. For example if it’s sitting still the tail may be swatting with a thump (which from watching my cat) meaning it’s going to pounce in a moment. Or when it slumps shows the cat is relaxed.

There is also the play that the tail helps with the balance of the cat, since the kids are like the acrobats of the group, I wanted to keep that aspect. Hope this give some insight…


Thundercats Crew Blog, I first saw ThunderCats on Toonami when I was young, and I love the direction you

Wilyjo 08-22-2011 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by GK Punk (Post 11812)
I kind of wondered if Panthro losing his was a battle scar.

That's what I'm going with. Even if he was a lower class by birth I can't really see him removing it just because he had risen up, then again at the same time this hasn't really been touched on. So at the moment, I'd like to stick with it being a scar like the rest of Pantrho's scars and Grune's loss of a tooth. I may end up being wrong but this is the thing I'm gonna go with unless they bring that up....or someone asks the crew and they answer.

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