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MrCoffeeAddict 08-26-2011 01:05 AM

Cheetara Neck Articulation
1 Attachment(s)
After much cutting, cursing, sanding, painting, and remolding, I was able to give Cheetara some neck articulation. She's had it all along; it was just hindered by the Thunder Lynx feature and her hair being screwed onto her body. I removed the magnet portion of her back using a dremel and sander and filled in all the gaps with putty. Her hair was probably the hardest part. Though it is easily removable from her head, removing it from her body was a chore. It took twisting, pulling, and some snipping here and there until it snapped off. I then discovered that inside of the peg was a screw, which took even more time to remove. Now she has the neck articulation she required, though it is still hindered a bit by her hair. Sorry for the low quality pics, only digital camera I have is the one on my phone.
Front view. Looks normal for now...
Whoo, she can turn her head slightly!
Back view
Side view, headless so you can see how much I removed.
Back view headless. Lower back had to be filled with putty and painted otherwise she'd have a huge hole in her back.

Thinktank 08-26-2011 03:17 AM

Nice work.

I was contemplating cutting her hair part at a bevell around shoulder
length and letting her head move freely across the rest of her hair
as sort of a half measure of what you have done here.

After reading your description it looks like I will just get a another
figure to use for the body with some putty work and harvest the head
at the cost of the torso of my current custom designated figure.

This will give me another set of arms in case I mess up installing wrist

DarkKnight 01-04-2012 02:48 PM

yeah nice job, nice to see you didnt just leave it with a hole

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