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Joe Moore 02-12-2012 07:32 PM

Detailed Thundercats Display Pics TF2012
Toy Fair 2012 - Detailed Pics of Thundercats display

User897 02-15-2012 01:25 PM

How.... Underwhelming. Not one surprise. Not one exclusive or incentive to be excited about these toys. Bandai is going to ensure that this line fails. That, coupled with no new episodes airing for so long = fail.

optimus12380 02-16-2012 12:19 AM

Unfortunately I think this line failed when Bandai was announced as the company to get the license. Most of the product shown at the NY Toy Fair is already out in stores, nothing new and that isn't surprising...I think they spread themselves thin by doing 4", 6" and 8" figures...I think the 6" figures for the modern figures and 8" for the classics would've been a success. Oh well, time to retire back to the MOTUC realm while day dreaming about Mattel doing Thundercats figures.

DarkKnight 02-19-2012 01:34 PM

tygras face looks................ well dorky. he looked better in the preview.

lloydacdavies 02-19-2012 04:50 PM

is new york toy fair just companies trying to sell toys in the usa only or is it to companies worldwide?

Joe Moore 02-19-2012 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by lloydacdavies (Post 36483)
is new york toy fair just companies trying to sell toys in the usa only or is it to companies worldwide?

Mainly North American toy companies and distributors. You will see some non-U.S. toys there, but mainly because they are being sold via companies like Diamond, Sideshow, etc.

Covenant 02-20-2012 02:11 PM

Customers come to NY Toy Fair from around the world but the major international retailers don't really bother with it anymore. It's mostly smaller Mom & Pop shops that attend. Hasbro and Mattel have their own buildings in downtown Manhattan and they have their own setups all year round. The time when customers came to Toy Fair to place their toy orders for the whole year are over. Toy companies now work directly with retailers to get the toys into the market all year round. I think the SDCC has stolen a lot of the Toy Fair's thunder so it may be possible to get some kind of announcement for new product then. Who knows?

lloydacdavies 02-20-2012 02:36 PM

Has the 6 inch mordern tigra turned up at retail yet in the usa cos i carnt find any reviews of it any where?

Deathx360 02-20-2012 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by lloydacdavies (Post 36648)
Has the 6 inch mordern tigra turned up at retail yet in the usa cos i carnt find any reviews of it any where?

Not yet but they are showing up on e-bay. The link below while not really a full review has some pics of Tygra.

lloydacdavies 02-21-2012 10:04 AM

if things these are still to show up at retail could that be why there was nothing new at toy fair?

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